This is one of the main reasons for the official procedure descriptors, and also one of the main reasons for the extra nop instruction that follows a function call. 这是采用正式过程描述符的主要原因之一,也是在函数调用之后要再加上一条nop指令的原因之一。
When asked to explain, in a nutshell, how Chile had reduced corruption, inequality and poverty over the years, one former finance ministry official summed it up with the simple instruction: focus on doing few things, but doing them well. 当被要求概括解释智利多年来是如何减少腐败、不平等和穷困的时候,一位前财政部官员用做了以下的简单总结:集中精力做少数几件事,但要做好。
Such measures could include adequate instruction in courses, official accident prevention publicity intended for young persons and professional instruction and supervision of young seafarers. 这些措施可包括适当的课程讲授、针对未成年海员的官方防止事故宣传、以及对未成年海员的专业指导和监督。
To obtain an official receipt, please send a copy of the telegraphic transfer instruction together with this form to us by mail or by fax. 如需正式捐款收据,请将电汇申请书副本连同此表格邮寄或传真给我们。
The official policy of America is that high school level instruction is English. 美国的官方政策是高中学校统统英语教学。
When official hands over his instruction to his missioner, sometimes he will unconsciously add his feeling or mood into the instruction, mixing them on main mission. 长官在交代任务时,其指示中或多或少都添加了他当时个人的喜怒哀乐的情绪,附加在其中心任务之上。
As official history documents about female in two History of the Tang Dynasty, they reflected official instruction in the ideology, and revealed the positive expectation of major society toward female moralities and values. 作为正史,两《唐书》的女性史料体现出具有官方意识形态色彩的教化特点,直接表现了一定历史时期的主流社会对女性道德观、价值观的正面期待。